Carlos 'N Charlies hosted their awesome (as usual) fireworks display on July 3 with a concert by Bad Company. We were anchored out in front of C 'N C, with about another thousand boats. It's crazy when the fireworks end and the boats all begin to move in unison - almost chaos, but with a certain ryhthm to it. Like a floating highway. A bit scary if you're the boat owner, requiring hypervigilance (after a pitcher of margaritas!) to protect your boat from the swells, hoards of boats just a few feet from you, and my pet peeve, reckless rent-a-boat drivers.
The weather wasn't as nice on July 4, and we skirted black clouds and brief rain showers all day by moving from cove to cove. The fireworks at Johnny Fins on the 4th were much more sedate, with a cool rain falling. The lake was calm with no winds or waves - a nice break from the craziness of the day before. Even though Fin's display is not as impressive as C 'N C's, I always like it there because you get a 360-degree display with the fireworks in Lago Vista and hoards of pyro's that live along the banks of Hurst Creek and in Costa Bella and Vineyard Bay. We had rain the preceeding week, which led to lifting the ban on mortars, and they certainly took advantage of that. One group near Graveyard Point had an incredible display- the whole thing looked like a big bang finale- but it went on for almost a half hour.
No photos of the fireworks - in hauling all the food and drink to the boat, I forgot to grab the camera. I have an unwritten rule that I NEVER head to the boat without the camera, but it somehow escaped me that day. Serves me right - there was a brilliant full-arch rainbow over the Costa Bella side of Hurst cove in the twilight - totally saturated in color. Tried to get a pic with my camera phone, but I'm sure it didn't capture the moment the way I remember it.
Tell me, just how do they get out of those tight spots in the picture???
It's not quite as haphazard as the photo appears; the boats all tie off together in rows -- sort of like a parking lot. Then, it's a delicate operate to extricate yourself from the boats tied to either side of you and slowly putt through the cove, avoiding the swimmers.
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