Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kids - How About Sailing Camp?

Want a smart, safe and F-U-N summer activity for the kids? How about Sailing Camp? Help them enjoy Lake Travis to the fullest!

The Austin Yacht Club has classes throughout the summer. Check their website for full details on dates, times, cost, etc. KXAN recently ran an article about the Sailing Camp – you can read all about it below. To view the KXAN video on the Sailing Camp, Click Here!

Sailing Camp for Kids!

Summer is around the corner, and if your kid loves the water, there is a camp for them. The Austin Yacht Club offers a sailing camp on Lake Travis. Kids can learn how to rig a boat and set sail.

"They learn how to be comfortable and safe on a boat, and eventually, we'd like to see them out participating in some of the races that we hold out here," said Kelly Hawk, sailing camp director with the Austin Yacht Club.

The camp offers all types of boats from small Opties to FJs to learn on.

"We do a capsize drill first so they know what it feels like to tip over, and then they learn how to right the boat," said Hawk.

During the weeklong camp, you can even take up windsurfing.

"They're usually able to sail in one day on the windsurfers," said Hawk.

Since the yacht club is located in a cove, you don't have a lot of boat traffic getting in your way.

"We have our own fleet of coach boats, and the coaches are around the children, and we have an area where we sail that we don't really see a lot of motor traffic," said Hawk.
You just have a lot of fun learning how to sail.

If you would like to check out the Austin Yacht Club's summer camp, it's open to kids 8 to 16 years old, and the cost is $400 a week.

KXAN – May 9, 2008

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